
5 thoughts on “Photo Taco – Lr Dark/Light Sliders”

  1. Jason Konarzewski

    Great start to explaining the differences in the sliders. I really think a follow up post that showed examples would be really helpful.

  2. Jeff,

    Is it normal to use a tone curve and also use the sliders in the basic panel on the same picture? I have always wondered if there are tone curve people who never use the Highlight, shadow, white and black slider in the basic panel and vice versa.

    I enjoy all the podcasts from Improve Photography.

      1. Not a bad question Kirk, just the holidays getting in the way of us being responsive 🙂

        I use both adjustments. I really only use the tone curve when the data for the photo is not spread out throughout the histogram. That gives me a better ability to add good and targeted contrast to the photo that the contrast slider can’t do. Then I go back and use the highlights/shadows and black/white sliders still. On nearly every photo I take I lower the highlights and raise the shadows at least a little bit, but that is just the style of I come to develop.

        Hope that helps.


        1. Thanks.

          After more thought and your reply I’m feeling more confident about the subject.

          To everybody working on Improve photography,
          Enjoy the holidays and thanks for all the great podcasts

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