
Don’t Be A Jerk (TP EP-32)


“Don’t be a Jerk”

With Sharky James

In this week’s episode Sharky James from the PetaPixel photography podcast comes on to talk about the importance of being a courteous steward of the places we visit and photograph, and not damage destroy and ultimately ruin a location for future photographers and tourists.

With the rise of photography’s popularity, also comes the rise in traffic to old structures, delicate rock formations, and historical sites.  With this rise in traffic comes an increase in the damaging, destroying and defacing some of the most beautiful places our world has to offer.   Some is intentional, some just just out of ignorance, but all can be avoided.  Not only should we make sure not to do damage ourselves. But we should also do what we can to insure that those around us don’t as well, by not just quietly turning around and walking away, but by quietly turning around and calling them in to the authorities.  –  Nick’s opinion

There are far too many cases of historical landmarks being burnt to the ground by Wool spinning.   



Then there is just the intentional destruction of sites like these



And many more….

The traffic to these places alone causes problems… what can we do to minimize our impact on these areas.




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